To get into real estate today, do you need to adopt a “mooch strategy?” Possibly. Young adults have been moving back home in record numbers—and even well into adulthood. Parents are footing the bills, and even helping their adult...
EPISODE 34: To get into real estate today, do you need to adopt a “mooch strategy?” Possibly. Young adults have been moving back home in record numbers—and even well into adulthood. Parents are footing the bills, and even helping their adult children achieve homeownership later on—that is, when they do finally move out. The mooch strategy may be in response to an out-of-whack real estate market where first-time home buyers and renters are facing surging prices. Housing Muse host Melissa Dittmann Tracey shares three steps to the mooch strategy that reveals a legacy of mooching to get ahead, and how this trend could influence the design of our homes in the future.
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