Steve Kodad

Steve Kodad Profile Photo

Introduction of Steve Kodad
Steve Kodad is a national real estate trainer and author who specializes in incorporating a 4000-year-old “environmental science” known as Feng Shui. He taught mathematics and coached for 17 years in public and private schools. In 1990, he began a very successful career in real estate in North and South Carolina. He was a co-owner of a 34-agent real estate company in Charlotte, NC.
He “discovered” Feng Shui in 2002 and received his first certification as a Feng Shui Professional in 2004. He started his company, The Feng Shui Cure, that year. He has written 3 books on these techniques. His latest book is titled “The Feng Shui Cure – for Home Sellers” and was published in 2016. He has been on PBS with Vicki Payne’s show “For Your Home”. Steve has been interviewed on many radio shows, podcasts, in newspapers, and in magazines.
Steve certifies new Feng Shui consultants along with his partner, Lisa Alban, with the Intrinsic School of Feng Shui. He also awards the certification of “Feng Shui Real Estate Professional” to real estate professionals throughout the United States and Canada.

My websites are:
My Contact Information is:
(941) 720-4480
LinkedIn Profile:

June 19, 2024

Find Your Home's Chi: How to Feng Shui Your Space

EPISODE 51: What is feng shui? Can it actually make you feel good and make you like your home more? Could it even help you sell your home? Feng Shui expert and author Steve Kodad joins The Housing Muse Podcast …

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